How do puzzles benefit the brain?

Doctors, teachers, parents and psychologists all agree that puzzle solving is beneficial for the human brain. Solving puzzles is like giving exercise to the brain. Puzzles are excellent sources of entertainment and also great for the development of the brain. In certain tests carried out on humans associated with Alzheimer's, people who spent time on puzzles everyday had lesser chances of developing the disease. A marked difference has been noticed in people above the age of 50 and 60 who solve puzzles each day.

Many areas of the brain associated with cognitive skills are activated when solving a competitive puzzle. Benefit of puzzles has been seen in children aged five to the teen years, where taking part in puzzles has shown increase in the child's or teens intelligent quotient or IQ. Development or improvement has been noticed in communication, analytical, collaborative and logical skills. In many children, spatial skills have noticeably improved in a child solving a jigsaw puzzle.

Many online websites are now offering digital puzzles that are designed to improve various skills of a person, by flexing the brain to its maximum. The best part about these puzzles is that not all puzzles offer the same benefits. Different puzzles work on a different skill associated with the brain. Solving crosswords puzzles increases the literary skills of a person and is a great hobby for a retiring mind. Apart from these puzzles have various other benefits that are yet to be found out by researchers.



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